World Food Security Day, celebrated annually on June 7, reaches its sixth edition in 2024 and is gaining in relevance worldwide. Aquaculture products are an important source of nutritious food, contributing 88 million tonnes (49% of global aquatic animal production) to food security, and are set to continue growing. These products provide nutrients to millions of people worldwide, including in landlocked regions. Food security is a key element of good aquaculture governance, which is necessary to strengthen the sector’s contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Food safety risks know no borders. Globalization has led to increasingly interconnected food supply chains, increasing the risks posed by unhealthy food and which can quickly move from a local problem to an international emergency. Food industries can improve their food safety management plans, share lessons learned and collaborate with each other, and improve their communication with consumers. Consumers need to know how to report or respond to food safety incidents, and understand the consequences of unforeseen events at home, preparing themselves to react appropriately.

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